Swankin & Turner
Attorneys at Law
in Washington, D.C. since 1973

5614 Connecticut Ave., NW #339
Washington, DC 20015
Phone: (202) 462-8800
Fax: (202) 315-2501


Christopher B. Turner

Christopher B. Turner, an associate, specializes in food-labeling compliance matters and pro-bono community causes. He holds an LL.M. degree in European Community Business Law from the University of Amsterdam and a J.D. from Howard University School of Law, and has had experience in product-safety litigation, labor law and food importation and labeling cases. He has played an active role in the National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy (NISLAPP), Aspartame Consumer Safety Network's NutraMancer City, Consumers for Dental Choice (CDC), National Accupuncture Foundation and Potomac Valley Press.

David Swankin / Jim Turner / Betsy Lehrfeld / Chris Turner / Consumers for Dental Choice / NISLAPP

contact: Betsy@swankin-turner.com

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